Learn English and English Tests Collection

Here is the script:

Chinese People in North America

In recent years, many people have moved to North America from China, but many people 
do not know that Chinese people have a long history in Canada and the United States.
During the nineteenth century, both Canada and the United States were rapidly 
expanding to the west, toward the Pacific Ocean. In those days, there were of course no 
cars or airplanes to allow people and goods to move across the land. Instead, the best 
method of long-distance transportation was the railroad. Railway trains could move 
quickly across the countryside. However, there was one problem: before the railway 
trains could run, railroads had to be built across very long distances.

To build the railroads was a very big job. Many men would be needed because the 
distance was so long and the land was so difficult, with many mountains and rivers to be 
crossed. For the men who owned the railroad companies, it would have been too 
expensive to hire Canadian or American men to build the railroads because those 
workers would only work for high wages.

The railroad owners decided to get workers from overseas. Many Chinese men were 
willing to work for low wages because they were very poor. These men would work very 
hard and send much of the money back to their relatives in China.

Thousands of Chinese men were brought to North America to work on the railroads. They 
did good work, but their employers treated them badly. The work day was very long, and 
working conditions were very unsafe. Many Chinese men died in accidents while 
constructing the railroads. Some Chinese women also came to North America, but there 
were many more men than women.

After the railroads were completed, by about the year 1900, very few Chinese people 
were allowed to come to North America. Most people in Canada and the United States 
were not familiar with Chinese people and did not want strangers to come to their 
countries. Any Chinese person who came to North America had to pay an expensive tax. 
This made it difficult for Chinese men to bring their wives and families to join them in 
North America. Later, the governments of Canada and the United States made Chinese 
immigration illegal.

Eventually, the people of Canada and the United States realized that their laws had been 
unfair. They changed the rules so that Chinese people could immigrate in the same way 
that people from other countries could do so. In recent decades, many Chinese people 
have moved to North America, and have formed a very lively and successful community. 
Many cities, such as Toronto, Vancouver, San Francisco, and New York, have been 
enriched by Chinese culture. Chinese people are now very prominent in North America, 
just as they were many years ago.

You can download the audio in the link  below.

1 comment:

  1. The audio https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_EH3yYHbZPsNWpuZU51bkxkMFk/view?usp=drivesdk
